Industrial jobs can get messy. Really messy. A&A Wiping Cloth can supply whatever kind of Industrial Rags you will require for all of those messy industrial cleanup needs.
You may have a specific wiping rag in mind. Or you may want something that absorbs fairly well. Or you just may want the least expensive rag you can get your hands on. We at A&A Wiping Cloth have heard it all because we have been listening to people like you since 1932. Our professional inside and outside sales staff can plug you into to the rags that will work for you. Whether it is fire or water restoration, oil and grease cleanup, disaster reclamation, or just a messy factory or job site, we’ve got the rags that get the job done right.
For example, they may suggest lower priced rags like Industrial Color or Industrial White. Or maybe hospital gowns that will get you many rags per lb. They might discuss with you the most widely used rag, Color Knit, produced from colored t-shirts, or cut Colored Sweatshirts. After hearing them, you may have interest in Color Wipettes, a “grab bag” of different sizes and cuts of terry material. Whatever works, A&A has it! Consult with a knowledgeable A&A Wiping Cloth representative for the best product(s) for the job.